Paseo Vista Park
Chandler, Arizona
The Paseo Vista Recreation Area is a unique project offering specialized recreational opportunities installed on top of the closed City of Chandler landfill. The project has transformed the landfill from what was considered a neighborhood detraction into an exciting and very popular source of community pride. This project is linked to other City of Chandler parks by the Paseo Trail system.
Amenities include:
Recreational level disc golf course arranged over undulating landforms created by the import of significant quantities of soil.
30 target archery lanes with a massive shade canopy.
Multi-cell dog park areas.
Specialty play area with an interpretive art feature.
Spiral trail leading to an overlook structure at the top of the second highest landform in Chandler.
On-site loop trail and trail connections that link the park to the city-wide Paseo Trail system.