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Lower El Mirage Wash Basin

El Mirage, AZ

The City of El Mirage proposed to develop two new groundwater wells to meet the City’s growing demand for water; the Dietz Crane Well Site located at the southeast corner of Dysart Road and the Port Royale Lane alignment, and the Regional Park Well Site located at the northeast corner of Canterbury Drive and 125thAvenue. Both sites include a single well and booster pump station, an electrical and disinfection building, a perimeter wall, landscaping surrounding the facility, and reserve land on site for possible water treatment.


The Regional Park site includes a 2 million gallon circular steel storage tank that will be recessed to reduce visibility. The Dietz Crane site includes a 1 million gallon storage tank. The project engineer developed the conceptual site plans for each site. EPG prepared landscape plans for both sites including landscape, irrigation, and the conceptual wall design. One of the alternatives for the Regional Park site also incorporated a tot lot and associated path. Additionally, EPG provided public outreach assistance for the project including preparation of a project newsletter and facilitation of a public open house meeting.

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